Beloved receives her original music, composed in it's entirety - as beautiful, heart opening, nurturing and uplifting "downloads".  Each piece comes through as a timely, prescriptive, inspirational and supportive sound tonic for whatever she is going through in her life. Often, the experience of receiving a song is quite profound, emotional and other worldly.

The transmissions of vision, knowing, feeling and Grace that accompany each new song are held and conveyed  in the notes and recordings and can be soul stirring. Listening to these vibrationally soothing and energetically prescriptive recordings can quickly bring the listener into a state of deep peace, healing and relaxation. 

Because of the way Beloved is so lovingly moved into realms of peace, joy and ecstatic heart expansion as she receives her music, she calls her compositions, Heartsongs.  Each piece is a 'sound tonic' that delivers prescriptive, nurturing, healing frequencies of love. 

Her CDs have been mixed & mastered by Lumin White at Transformations Studio in Mt. Shasta, CA.  Lumin White's Bio-Resonance Processing™ enhances and supports a sense of well being, bringing music alive in a new way. This opens energetic doorways, beckoning the listener into their own state of deep inner peace.


"I play Beloved's music in my clinic every single day. It may do more for the well being of my patients 
than all of the acupuncture and TCM  (Traditional Chinese Medicine) I provide.  She has such a beautiful healing spirit, 
and I am so grateful to be able to share her gifts with those who come to me for care." 
Dr. Harvey Kaltsas, L.Ac., Dipl. Ac. NCCAOM 
Former Chair, Florida Board of Acupuncture


"Being ill & bedridden for three months, my body was stiff and aching.
As I sat in the audience during Beloved's concert,I was emotionally taken away.
After Beloved’s concert, I noticed my physical body felt different-like I’d received a massage!
The pain in my lower back was gone, as well as all the stiffness and soreness that had been throughout my body! 
This was totally unexpected and extremely appreciated!
I’d never had a physical experience like that, from listening to music! 
Thanks Beloved!"   V.H., Chapel Hill, NC

 "Your music helps me become more of the person I want to be."  
Laurel Houghton, Psychotherapist  & Yoga Instructor, Fairfax, CA

"Our Hospice offers Beloved’s music to patients and family members because her voice, lyrics, and instrumentals
have a remarkable way of resonating with those who are experiencing loss and change.
Her “Forever Love” CD both captures the deep emotions of loss and brings the listener to a place of love and hope.
This music is peaceful, and it helps to set that tone for those who listen."
Marcia Vanard, Hospice Director of Counseling & Education Center

 "I've been taking in the beauty of ‘Living Love’ - yet another production offering lovely arrangements 
and with the voice of an angel…clear, strong and true.  I bathed in the empowering and resonant lyrics, 
beautifully encased in your wondrous melodies…all in divine flow and with such grace.... 
This entire CD from beginning to end ...a true work of art and gift to all – Magnificent! 
Love is truly our greatest tool and ever the healing balm, no matter the circumstance.
Your music embodies that truth."
J.M., Author & Singer